NCSG Business Value Questionnaire
The following questionnaire accompanies the December 2021 Coach's Corner Article on the topic of Exit Planning.
What is current annual Revenue?
- Over $2,000,000.00
- $1,000.00 t0 $2,000,000.00
- $750,000 to $1,000,000
- $500,000.00 to $750.000
- Less than $500,000
What best describes the amount of time Ownership spends working ON not IN the business?
- 90%+
- 76 – 90%
- 51 – 75%
- 26 – 50%
- 0 – 25%
What best describes how Ownership spends their time?
- Business Strategy, Sourcing Talent, Strategic Relationships, Learning & Growing as a Leader
- All of the above less one
- All of the above less two
- All of the above less three
- None of the above
How critical is Ownership to the success of the Business?
- Owner is passive. Company has others in management roles. No single person has control of all key customer relationships.
- Owner is CEO and management runs day-to-day operations. No single person has all key customer relationships.
- Owner handles all customer relationships and management runs day-to-day operations.
- Owner runs operations and employees have customer relationships.
- Owner handles all operations and has all customer relationships.
What best describes who does Problem Solving and Driving Strategy?
- Employees solve their own problems and drive strategy. Owner is rarely involved.
- Employees solve their own problems and drive strategy often.
- Employees solve their own problems often, but ownership must drive strategy.
- Owner is typical problem solver and must drive strategy.
- Owner is typical problem solver and no real business strategy.
What best describes the depth of the management team?
- The loss of no single employee could materially affect the business and we “over-club” key positions.
- There are successors in place for most but not all key positions.
- There are successors in place for only a few key positions.
- There are no successors in place for key positions, but all positions are filled.
- There are no successors in place for key positions and there are key positions open.
What best describes Measurement in the business?
- The business has clearly defined and managed metrics at all levels and Ownership has dashboard access.
- The business has clearly defined and managed metrics at all levels.
- The business has clearly defined but loosely managed metrics at all levels.
- The business has clearly defined but poorly managed metrics at some levels.
- The business has no clearly defined or managed metrics at any level.
What best describes the sales process?
- Management and salespeople do team selling, not typically ownership.
- Ownership, the management team and salespeople do team selling.
- Ownership and others do independent selling, but Ownership is not top salesperson.
- Ownership and others do independent selling, but Ownership is top salesperson.
- Ownership does all selling independently.
What best describes bookkeeping practices?
- We have an annual audit and nothing personal is “run” through the business.
- We have an annual review and nothing personal is “run” through the business.
- We have an external compilation and nothing personal is “run” through the business.
- We have an external compilation and personal items are “run” through the business.
- We have no audit, review or external compilation and personal items are “run” through the business.
What best describes the capital structure?
- We have adequate cash in the business and access to credit facilities.
- We have adequate cash in the business and pre-established lending relationships, but no credit facilities.
- We have adequate cash in the business.
- Cash is tight, but we have credit facilities.
- Cash is tight and no credit facilities.
What percentage of revenue is recurring revenue?
- 80% or more
- 60 – 80%
- 40 – 60%
- 20 – 40%
- Less than 20%
What percentage of revenue comes from 1 – 5 customers?
- 15% or less
- 15 – 25%
- 25 - 50%
- 50 – 75%
- 75% or more
Profit is the ROI on the business model. What is the return on the business in the form of ROI (profit) in the last tax year?
- 15% or above
- 10% to 15%
- 5% to 10%
- Less than 5%
- There was no profit beyond the owner’s salary
Standard Operating Systems (SOPS) are a requirement of any business for it to be scalable and replicable, what is your company status in regards SOPs
- We have systems in place for every facet of the business model and review these annually
- We have systems in place for our most important functions
- We have a few systems in place but need more
- We started SOPs but never really got this going
- What is an SOP again
So, what did this tell you about the value of your business of your business to a potential buyer? Did you find that your role is too large a part of the company success that you affect the selling price?