NEWS RELEASE: NCSG Expanding and Accrediting Certification Programs

June 24, 2021

Ankeny, Iowa — The National Chimney Sweep Guild (NCSG) is pleased to announce the development of American National Standards Institute (ANSI) accredited certification programs. When completed in 2022, the ANSI accreditation will offer chimney and venting professionals certifications that are held to the highest possible standard.

NCSG is already well into the accreditation process with the Certified Chimney Professional (CCP) and Certified Chimney Reliner (CCR) credentials. The training manuals and exams for CCP and CCR will be updated to meet the foundational knowledge needed for early career Sweeps, and enhanced to meet ANSI standards.

CCJ  CCJ Badge

Additionally, NCSG is developing an accredited Certified Chimney Journeyman (CCJ) certification. The CCJ will focus on advanced technical knowledge for leading chimney and venting professionals through a continuing education and exam model. Development is already underway, with a detailed job analysis scheduled for August 2021.

“The Guild is pleased to set the highest standard for certification, skill and safety in our industry,” said Tom Hunkele, NCSG President. “ANSI accreditation holds NCSG accountable to our members and ensures they have an added level of confidence as they serve America's chimneys.”

By seeking ANSI accreditation, NCSG is committing to fair and impartial management of its certification programs. The process involves a detailed job study, a thorough review of materials and compliance for exam delivery to ensure a high level of confidence for certification holders.

 “ANSI is widely recognized as the highest standard in certification accreditation,” NCSG Executive Director, Easton Kuboushek said. “It’s an arduous process but I’m impressed with the NCSG Education & Certification Committee’s intentionality as they work in the best interest of NCSG members.”

NCSG will also update the Certified Master Chimney Technician (CMCT). This criteria and experience-based designation will objectively represent mastery of the trade and become the highest achievement for chimney professionals.

To learn more about NCSG certifications and membership visit

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